Find out if you are a resilient person, in sport and in life.

The resilience word comes from METALLURGY: it indicates the ability of a metal to resist the forces applied to it. For a metal, resilience represents the contrary to fragility.

The same in psychological field: the resilient person is the opposite of an easily vulnerable one.

Resilience is the ability to move forward despite difficulties, to persist, as metal does.

It is not just about resisting, but literally GETTING BACK on a capsized boat or, at least, this is what the Latins meant (from the verb "resalio").

Perhaps the name of the quality of those who rise from difficulties, fighting against adversity, the resilience, comes from here.


* is optimistic and tends to "read" negative events as temporary and limited

* thinks to have a wide margin of control over life and over the environment around

* is strongly motivated to achieve the goals set

* tends to see changes as a challenge and as an opportunity, rather than as a threat

* does not lose hope, in the face of defeats and frustrations.

If you answered no, do not despair, because the latest research from the University of Yale give us a whole new perspective on resilience.

We talk about it in the articles of this month, dedicated to resilience.

Find out if you are a resilient person, in sport and in life.